Tuesday, April 28, 2015

W is for a Wand

The giant sighed, a deep, mournful noise, like cold wind through a graveyard. "Those are NOT your names," he said. "Very well, if that is how you're going to be." He pointed the finger with the tiny rod balanced on it at Princess. A beam of coruscating, rainbow colored light engulfed her and she vanished.
Princess reappeared sitting on her big, plush, four-poster bed, in her chambers in the palace of the Crown Duke of Threskel, a thousand miles to the south and east. "Noooooooooo!" Princess screamed, stabbing Handsome Prince into one of the pillows, just to make sure it was solid. The door opened and her father smiled, "I was wondering when you'd get home..."
-- The Amazons: Session 6 

The Wand of Cruel Banishment

Despite its minuscule size relative to its owner, this twelve-inch-long wand is the most prized possession of the frost giant wizard Sorrassar. The lovely wand is made of twisted iron overlaid with spiraling gold filigree. A stunning piece of rainbow quartz dominates one end, balanced by a cluster of Amethyst, Moonstone, and Hematite at the opposite end.

The wand of cruel banishment is a vicious device, designed to rid Sorrassar of his enemies. When pointed at a target and the command word spoken, the wand emits a beam of coruscating rainbow-coloured light. The target must succeed on a Dexterity save (DC 15) or be instantly teleported to the location they would least like to visit (a fire giant may be teleported to the arctic, a runaway may be teleported home, a pacifist may be teleported to an active battlefield, etc.), subject to the GM's interpretation. Once the target arrives at their destination, they must immediately make an Intelligence save (DC 15) or be unable to benefit from any other form of teleportation magic until the cured a remove curse or similar effect.

The wand has 11 charges. It regains 1 charge daily at dawn (to a maximum of 11). If the last charge is used, the wielder must make a Charisma save (DC 15) or the wand will teleport itself to a random location anywhere else in the world.

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