Thursday, May 30, 2013

Eating alone sucks...

I never thought I'd miss having someone else shove their rejected, half-eaten food onto my plate...but sure enough I did. I've only been at the new job for two days -- for the most part the job has done a good job of keeping me busy...but the evenings pretty much suck, no wife, no kids, no fun.

On the plus side -- with no impressionable children watching me eat, and with a $27 per diem dinner stipend, there was nothing stopping me from going to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and ordering a slice of cheesecake as my entrée with a greek salad on the side. Oh yeah, cheesecake for dinner!

Also got to see Star Trek: Into Darkness, which was quite the fun ride...though perhaps less so if you haven't seen Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, since they are basically the same movie. Watching Kirk die in the warp core instead of Spock was especially amusing.'s been out long enough, if you don't like spoilers, don't read this.

Anyways, clearly I can't count on cheesecake for dinner and Star Trek on the big screen to distract me every week...

The COO of my new company invited me to a regular Wednesday night Magic draft...I'm not sure if my wallet can stand me getting re-addicted to magic though.

So, I need to find a game up here...

If anyone in the Columbia, MD area reads this and wants to play some D&D, let me know.

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